
Every Picture Tells A Story

About a month ago I looked around my bedroom and decided that it had reached critical mass – something had to be done. I was getting ready for a gig. I pushed aside a pile of clothes on the floor and sat down on my pillow in front of the lighted makeup mirror perched on top of a foot locker and started my stage makeup. Yes, this has been my makeup setup since I moved into my tiny 1928 house four years ago.  One tiny closet and a not-so-tiny costume collection that took priority over the un-sparkly wardrobe.

For the past few weeks I’ve been ruthlessly cleaning out boxes, getting rid of clothes and books and other what-nots that I could do without. I even decided to let go of a some costumes. It feels good to downsize. My room feels SO much bigger, I can move around without picking my way between piles and I can even do my morning yoga  in there now!

I knew all along that a proper makeup space was going to be the reward. I set up two drawer stands and went to Home Depot for finished board for the top. As I walked out to the car with a fresh looking white melamine shelf, I thought about hanging pictures… then I had another idea… and my dream of makeup table got that much better.

My new makeup table is covered in a collage of fond dance memories and the fabulous women I’ve shared them with, surrounded by fallen costume coins and of course…. GLITTER!  I arranged them all on the board then covered it with a piece of glass for easy cleaning.