
How To Get Motivated & Organized In Belly Dance When You Don't Have A Teacher

I’m introducing a new occasional feature on the Daily Bellydance Quickies called “Raks Me A Question”. (Thanks, Pamela Yvette on Facebook for coming up with a fun name for this segment!)  This will be part belly dance Q & A, part Dear Abby for dancers. We’ll tackle some why’s and how’s of belly dance and also take on some more sticky situations with clients, fellow dancers, students and other relationships.

Our first question comes from Kelly who live in a remote area of Canada. She has no access to classes or instructors where she lives and asked for some guidance on how to stay on track with her dance education despite her isolated location.

How do you get, find and keep motivated to dance on your own? When all you have is some DVDs  to work with: no classes or dance friends to practice with. 
How do you organize and plan dance training for yourself with no guidance and a massive DVD collection wherein everything looks interesting and you have no idea where to start? 

Here’s my advice for dancers in situations like this:

Resources I mentioned in the video:

Chris Guillebeau’s Annual Review

Todd Henry’s “The Accidental Creative”

Are you dancer without access to classes and instructors? What has helped you continue in your dance journey? Share your thoughts in the comments below…