May 26, 2019
More Magency!
It’s here – part 2 of that magency combination! If you missed part 1 you can find it here. This one is full of fun accented travelling and turns to cover space and welcome your audience to the show! Are you inspired to do more with this song? You can find the music here! How did you like this one? Let me know in the comments
May 19, 2019
A Drill or A Combo?
Today’s practice session could be either – you pick! We’ve got an intermediate level zill drill – or combo – up today. This one has some fun and versatile playing patterns and accents. If you like to play fast – you’ll love this one! If you’re not into – or up to – playing with some speed yet, try this combo/drill thing with a metronome at a slower speed and work your way up if
May 11, 2019
An Elegant Bellydance Entrance Combo
This week in the studio, we’ll learn an entrance combo from a magency – a piece meant to be the showy opening song to a longer show. You might also see this written mergence, magence, majensi… you get the idea. This part 1 of a longer combo, the second will be coming in 2 weeks. Let’s go to the studio and make an elegant entrance! Purchase the music for this week’s combo here.
May 5, 2019
Timing Drills for Musicality Skills
To be a visual expression of the music… that is the goal of classic Middle Eastern dance. While that can sound like a nebulous concept on its surface, making it happen requires specific real skills. One of them is being able to follow the melodic line of an instrument or vocals. And that’s the skill we’ll be working on today! This week in the studio, we’re working on timing drills using smooth movements. Being able
April 28, 2019
A Pretty Little Veil Thing
Hello there, bellydancers! Today I’ve a pretty little veil thing to share with you – and you’ll only need 5 minutes to try it out! It’s a veil trick that combines two different veil moves in one fluid cycle. You could say we’re going to do a little tossing and turning – haha! Go get your veil and let’s try this quick little thing out!