
From the Arabic Top 10 – April 2014 "Ma Tegi Hena" by Nancy Ajram

From the Arabic Top 10 – April 2014 "Ma Tegi Hena" by Nancy Ajram

It’s time to check out the Arabic Top 10 charts again!  This month Nancy Ajram is back on the charts with “Ma Tegi Hena” or “Come Over Here”. Even if you don’t recognize her name, I can almost guarantee you’ve heard some of Nancy Ajram’s other big hits, including Akasmak Ah, Lawn Eioynak and Ah Wa Noss! “Ma Tegi Hena” is the #1 song this week. This one has a nice relaxed but fun tempo […]

Getting Acquainted with Your IT Band

Getting Acquainted with Your IT Band

In a recent Daily Bellydance Quickie, I demonstrated two stretches for the Iliotibial band, more commonly known as the IT band. Today let’s learn a little more about what this important structure does and how we can keep it healthy and pain-free. What is the IT band? The IT band is a fibrous strap that runs from the hip down the outside of the thigh, across the knee, attaching to the tibia. The tendons of […]

A Review of "The Belly Dance Handbook"

A Review of "The Belly Dance Handbook"

Very few books on belly dance catch my attention enough to actually read them. Even fewer find a way to be relevant to both the beginner and the seasoned performer. After being a fan and follower of Princess Farhana’s blog for years, I knew “The Belly Dance Handbook” would make it onto my reading list. This lady is one of the hardest working and most diverse performers in the biz, and she’s got a wealth […]

From Belly Dance Combos to Choreography: An Exercise in "Phrase-Fitting"

From Belly Dance Combos to Choreography: An Exercise in "Phrase-Fitting"

I got a very interesting question from a DBQ subscriber recently. She asked how to turn the combos she’s learned into a choreography without it looking like just a bunch of combos. Well, that’s a complicated one – and there are many ways to use combos as stepping stones to build a choreography. For many first time choreographers this may be feel more approachable. It’s not the ideal way to generate choreography in my opinion, but […]

5 Factors in Protecting Your Knees

5 Factors in Protecting Your Knees

I think just about every person knows someone who has had a knee injury, if they haven’t had one themselves. Knee problems are very common; this is not surprising considering the complexity of the joint, its possible range of motion and the load it bears. Approximately 3-5 times one’s body weight in force goes through the knees during normal walking. This is much greater, of course, in running or jumping. But our bodies are pretty […]