Spring Cleaning for Belly Dancers Week 4 – Catching up on Repairs & Washing
We are back with Week 4 of our Spring Cleaning for Belly Dancers! If you’ve been working along with us, you are seeing some real progress by now – congratulations!
Missed the other weeks? You can catch up on week 1, week 2 and week 3 here.
All the fixing and washing!
In the first three weeks, we assessed the situation for our costumes, props and accessories. You may have made some repairs and done some cleaning – good for you! If your bellydance costume cleaning and repair list was longer than you could get done in a week (it always is!) this is your week to get more of that done.
Bigger alteration projects
If you have big alteration projects on your list, schedule them out into your calendar so you can be sure they get done. Anything that’s still unfinished at the end of this week should find a home in your calendar for a future date.
Upgrading your storage
If you considered your costume storage and decided it needs an upgrade, this is the week to act on that. Shop for storage containers or other options. Ask other dancers for ideas – the Glitter Lounge is the perfect place to get great advice for things like this!
Got stuff to get rid of?
Prepare any costumes that you’re going to sell. Of course you’ll want to wash and do any repairs. Decide on a price and where to list it. There are several Facebook groups specifically for selling your used bellydance costumes.
Not interested in selling your old costume pieces? Consider donating them to a student bellydance troupe!
Don’t forget to post a pic!
Share a pic or video of your Spring Cleaning progress this week on Instagram. Be sure to tag @MahinBellydance and use the hashtag #BDQSpringCleaningWeek4. You just might win this week’s prize – a beautiful coin hip scarf courtesy of Bellydance.com!

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